
Uniquely and globally integrated, we deliver innovative legal solutions focused on what matters for German companies in Brazil.

Expanding into the Brazilian market offers a unique opportunity for German companies looking to diversify their operations and tap into one of the world’s most dynamic markets – the largest economy in Latin America. However, the legal, regulatory, and cultural complexities can pose challenges. Issues such as compliance, investment structuring, environmental regulations, and tax optimization demand precise, reliable solutions that are tailored to the needs of global businesses.


Drawing on experience gained over decades navigating the challenging Brazilian legal and business environment, our partners guide German clients through transactions. Examples include advising:

  • Hapag Lloyd on the formation of the first joint venture for the rendering of cabotage services between a foreign shipping carrier and a Brazilian partner.
  • Emnify on the acquisition of its Brazilian M2M e IoT business.
  • Linde on the disposal of its Brazilian gas assets.*
  • Siemens on the acquisition of the Brazilian turbine business.*
  • ThyssenKrupp on the disposal of its steel mill CSA in Rio de Janeiro.*
  • Celesio on the disposal of its Brazilian pharma distribution business.*

*Experience of team member before joining Mayer Brown/T&C

Our work in Brazil has included counselling clients on challenging transactions across industries. Below are a few examples.

Doing Business in Brazil


Business Opportunities in Brazilian Ports
