
Caio Viana de Barros Thomé

Litigation & Arbitration


Caio Thomé is an associate in the Litigation & Arbitration practice of Tauil & Chequer Advogados in the São Paulo Office.

Caio Thomé has a Bachelor's degree from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (FDUSP).


  • Represented a Brazilian subsidiary of an American corporation in the engineering sector in an ICC arbitration seated in São Paulo, regarding an energy transducers supply agreement. Brazilian law applied and Portuguese was the language of the proceedings.
  • Represented a Brazilian subsidiary of an American corporation in the engineering sector in a CAMARB arbitration seated in São Paulo, regarding an automation system supply agreement. Brazilian law applied and Portuguese was the language of the proceedings.
  • Represented an American corporation in the brokerage sector and its Brazilian subsidiary in a CMA-FIESP arbitration seated in São Paulo, concerning a dispute arising from corporate agreements. Brazilian law applied and Portuguese was the language of the proceedings.
  • Represented a Brazilian concessionaire of public service in a CBMAE arbitration seated in Vitória, Espírito Santo, concerning a dispute arising from a government agreement. Brazilian law applied and Portuguese was the language of the proceedings.
  • Issued legal opinions and consultancy services prior to arbitration proceedings and judicial lawsuits to a Brazilian subsidiary of a Singaporean oil and gas company.
  • Represented a Brazilian subsidiary of a Spanish corporation in the technology sector in lawsuits arising from a software supply agreement.
  • Issued legal opinions and consultancy services prior to judicial lawsuits to a Brazilian subsidiary of a Spanish corporation in the technology sector regarding a dispute arising from a supply agreement executed with the Brazilian Federal Government.
  • Represented Brazilian engineering corporations in lawsuits arising from a dispute regarding a bid for the public illumination of the city of São Paulo.
  • Represented a Brazilian subsidiary of an American corporation in the plastics resins sector in lawsuits concerning Industrial Property Law.
  • Represented a Brazilian subsidiary of an Angolan oil and gas company in lawsuits arising from supply agreements related to the exploration of oil and gas fields.
  • Represented a Brazilian subsidiary of an international corporation in the bunkering sector in lawsuits related to a ship fuel supply agreement.



  • University of São Paulo Law School, Bachelor of Law
  • University of Coimbra, Law School, Exchange Program


  • 巴西


  • 葡萄牙语
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语


  • Loureiro Filho Sociedade de Advogados, 2018.