
Ports and Maritime News | October 28 - November 4, 2024


The Ports & Maritime team has compiled the sector’s main news for the week of October 28 – November 4 to keep you in the loop.

Study Shows Preparedness of Ports to Receive Low-carbon Vessels

On October 31, Brazil's National Waterway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ) released the Diagnosis of Decarbonization, Infrastructure and Hydrogen Applications in Ports. The study sought to understand the main challenges facing port facilities in undergoing the energy transition, and in preparing port facilities to receive ships using green fuel, the electrification of port equipment, and Onshore Power Supply (OPS) systems.

Source: ANTAQ

ANTAQ Permits Outsourcing and Leading of TUPs to Third Parties

ANTAQ has determined that it is possible to outsource operations and lease the land of private-use terminals (“TUPs") to third parties. Thus, licensees may enter into contracts of this nature, provided that (i) the grant holder remains fully responsible before ANTAQ and other competent authorities; and (ii) there is no distortion of the purpose of the grant, nor any transfer of regulatory responsibility.

Source: ANTAQ

Agency Sets Date for Public Hearing on SSB01 Terminal Lease

ANTAQ will hold Public Hearing No. 13/2024 to receive feedback on the technical and legal documents relating to the bidding process for the lease of the SSB01 terminal.

The hearing will be held on November 18, and will be broadcast on ANTAQ's YouTube channel.

Source: ANTAQ

ANTAQ and Rondônia Discuss Madeira Waterway Concession

ANTAQ met with the state of Rondônia to discuss the Madeira River Waterway concession project in Porto Velho (RO). The concession is considered essential for Rondônia as it guarantees the supply of fuel and grain, as well as reducing the risk of product shortages.

Source: Portos e Navios


