We have designed a structure that aims to ensure significant opportunities for a plurality of lawyers and to recruit talent with an eye for diversity. Our diversity program includes the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and affinity subgroups, which are divided into Gender Equity, Ethnic-Racial and LGBTQI+, all committed to Gender Eimplementing initiatives to foster diversity in the Firm.
Diversity is a hallmark of the Firm and we believe it is the engine of our future success. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace at all levels of our organization. We are also dedicated to building an environment where lawyers and employees of the highest caliber have the opportunity to fulfill their potential, regardless of race, religious belief, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation.
We are part of the Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 16 thousand members, including companies and organizations, distributed in 69 local networks covering 160 countries. The initiative is a call for companies to align their strategies and operations with 10 universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-corruption and to develop actions that contribute to facing society's challenges.
The main objective of the Gender Equity Affinity Group is to promote a fair work environment, with equal opportunities for all Firm members, regardless of their gender identity. We strive to promote a culture of gender equity inside and outside the firm, through affirmative actions and raising awareness of all members. We believe that all gender identities must be respected, that all individuals must be treated equally and that their gender identity must not be a limiting or overriding factor regarding rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities. In our affirmative actions, we seek to discuss and raise awareness about unconscious biases and misogyny in the corporate world and society in general, as well as to attract allies, both internal and external, that contribute to female empowerment in and out of the workplace, always paying attention to intersectionalities and the search for equity.
Mulher 360 Movement
Its objective is to contribute to the economic empowerment of Brazilian women through the promotion, systematization and dissemination of advances in corporate policies and practices and the engagement of the Brazilian business community and society in general.
Mansfield Rule Certification Program
The Firm is officially part of the Mansfield Rule Certification program, which measures whether a law firm has taken affirmative action in order to ensure that its leadership and management positions are held by at least 30% women, non-white lawyers and LGBTQ+ lawyers, as well as strict observance of the equitable promotion of partners, opportunities to present formal proposals to clients, and lateral hiring for senior positions. The objective of the Mansfield Rule is to leverage the representation of a diverse range of lawyers to leadership positions by expanding the pool of candidates to be considered for the opportunities.
The LGBTQI+ affinity subgroup has been working so that Tauil & Chequer is a social actor that promotes change and, at the same time, reflects society, plural and diverse. In addition, it seeks to promote discussion and awareness of the rights of LGBTQI+ people, as well as equal opportunities and fair treatment for LGBTQI+ people in our firms.
LGBTI+ Rights and Business Forum
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LGBT+A mobilization of companies committed to making the principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights come true. |
OUTStand Brasil
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A group of professionals and companies in the financial market, composed of several institutions, with the objective of implementing positive changes in society with a focus on the LGBT+ population. |