noviembre 26 2024

Tauil & Chequer Advogados advised the underwriters on CCR AutoBAn’s BRL 2 billion debenture issuance

Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown acted as legal counsel to Itaú BBA, UBS BB, BTG Pactual, Bradesco BBI, and Santander Brasil, as the underwriters, in connection with the public offering of debentures of the 15th issuance of CCR AutoBAn (Concessionária do Sistema Anhanguera-Bandeirantes S.A.), in the amount of BRL 2 billion.
The proceeds from this issuance will be used for the early redemption of all debentures issued in CCR AutoBan’s 10th, 12th, and 13th debenture issuances.
The team was led by partners Carlos Motta, from the Capital Markets practice, and Luís Otero Montes, from the Banking and Finance practice, with the participation of associates Júlia Zarth and Marcella Castellano, also from Banking and Finance.

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